I don't know how to cook ADOBO!!! Yes, you've heard it right! I really don't know how to cook Adobo. I really feel bad because it is one of my family all time favorite comfort food. One reason we still served Adobo, is because of my husband. My hubby's Adobo is the "BEST". This is the best dish that my husband cooks and all our family and friends love it. It was last July when we have this family gathering where I saw this dish. I was skeptical as it is hard to imagine mixing the salty and sour flavors with the creamy coconut milk but to my surprise...it just works. The flavor combination blends really well and the coconut cream mellows down the saltiness and acidity of this already wonderful dish. Then I remembered my "lola" always told me..."You can always cooked the dish you wanted. You only need is to follow your taste bud.". So, I just follow what she said and cooked my first ever Chicken Adobo in Coconut Milk sauce. My family (especially hubby) really enjoyed eating this dish, since it was my first time and really, it taste AWESOME!
1 kilo chicken, cut into pieces
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon whole peppercorns
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 cup julienned ginger
1/2 cup minced onions
1 cup coconut cream (kakang gata)
4 pieces bay leaf
2 teaspoon fish sauce (optional)
4 finger chillies (you can also use birds eye chillies if you want it more spicy)
2 tablespoon cooking oil
In a deep skillet, sauté the ginger in oil using low heat until golden brown. Remove half of it from the pot and set aside.
Add the garlic and onion and chicken. Fry until browning occurs.
Combine vinegar, soy sauce, fish sauce, peppercorn and bay leaves. Pour the mixture into the chicken. Cover and continue simmering. (Don’t disturb for a minute to prevent vinegary taste.)
Add the coconut milk and bring to a gentle simmer. Let it simmer till sauce is thickened.
Add chillies then simmer for additional 5 minutes.
Transfer into a serving dish. Top with the remaining ginger. Serve hot!
What fillings to put into your omelette is a decision that can really bring out your creativity. The beauty about it, is you can throw whatever you like on your omelette according to your taste buds. Plain or with veggies, omelettes are really easy to knock together and really satisfying. For me, I just use some leftovers in my fridge. :D BTW, I am really enjoying cooking and packing home cooked food into my hubby and sister lunch boxes. Preparing their packed lunches was both a matter of pride and one way of showing my love to them. So here it is...one of their favorite "baon", my own version of Veggies with Ham and Cheese Omelette!
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 tablespoons chopped tomato (seeded)
2 tablespoons chopped green bell pepper
2 tablespoons chopped button mushrooms (optional)
2 tablespoons fresh milk (if you do not have milk, substitute it with water)
3 pcs. cooked ham, cut into cubes
1/2 cup sherreded cheese (any cheese will do, I use quick melt cheese)
salt and black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of butter for frying
Beat the eggs into a bowl, then add the milk, salt and pepper. Make sure to beat them until they are mixed thoroughly. Set aside.
For the vegetable mixture, mix all the remaining ingredients in a bowl. Then set aside.
Heat a non-stick pan, coated with butter over low heat.
When the butter has melted add the egg mixture and move the pan around to spread them out evenly.
When the egg begins to cook and firm up, but still has a little raw on top, spoon the vegetable mixture into the center of the omelette and sprinkle with cheese.
Using a spatula gently fold one edge of the omelette over the vegetables, creating a half-moon shape.
Turn over and cook for about half a minute more.
Garnish with chopped fresh herbs if desired.
Remember...there's no limit to the number of fillings you can use with your omelette. Serve and Enjoy!